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Yoga pose: Crescent/high lunge

Updated: May 13, 2019

Crescent or high lunge - yoga pose

I often interchange between this pose, low lunge (anjaneyasana) and Warrior I (virabhadrasana 1) in class. The difference is the placement of my back foot/leg.

In Warrior One, my feet are on imaginary train tracks (not a balance beam), I rotate and ground my back foot while keeping my hips squared (If you aren't familiar with it, I used to think it felt like a contradiction to the body).

Low lunge, I'd ground my knee, shin and top of my foot (which is a great modification to the pose pictured).

In this pose, crescent lunge, my heel is raised and my hips are fully squared to the front. In all three poses, shoulders and shoulder blades are grounding down away from the ears as my arms and fingertips are reaching upwards in the opposite direction. My chest is open and lifting upwards, while my thighs are actively rotating towards one another, hugging into the bones as I ground down through my front foot. Crescent lunge is a great stretch for the hip flexors and quads, and awesome (but tough as you activate all muscles) to build strength in the legs and core, while improving balance, focus and coordination. When you move into this pose, notice the intricacies of it. For example, as you exhale, draw your core in to hug the spine and you'll start to feel a deeper opening in the front of the hip (this is my favourite part - something so subtle can change the entire feeling of the pose).

Make sure you keep a neutral, long and lengthened spine, don't tip/crunch or extend too far back, it's about creating length and space in your back so staying tall will protect your lower back 💙

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